Valentines - Cute face mug DIY!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

This DIY didn't exactly go to plan. I planned to make a letter monogramed mug. But after not being able to find masking tape without taking out a bank loan, I decided that I would create something different instead. 

Tea cups and mugs with faces are a bit of a thing at the minute. Most bloggers and their cats have this beautiful teacup. Which I adore but not at that price. So get your Sharpies out and get a bit creative. I'm suitably impressed with myself and I'm going to get hold of some more plain mugs and plates too and give them all a bit of a makeover.

And the best bit, these make the perfect Valentines gift, and cost so little. How about making a matching Mr and Mrs? 

You will need: Plain white mug/teacup - Sharpies (Black and pink) 

Make sure your mug is sparkly clean.

Practice your face a few times first., unless you're really good! I drew my face out three or four times first. Just so I knew I'd get it right. 

Draw your face onto the mug. I added eyelashes and cute pink cheeks. But the possibilities are endless. 

 Bake the mug for 30 minutes in a hot oven about 180º.  Allow your mug to cool completely before washing or using. 

Wrap in plently of tissue paper and find a box, wrap with ribbon and you're all set for Valentines!

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