So you've made your pretty face mug, now you're going to need something to fill it with. And what's better than hot chocolate. Oh yeah, hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream.
This isn't just a Valentines treat but the perfect pick me up to a grey rainy day (and we've been having a lot of those recently!) On the weekends I have off we usually gather together the family. Sometimes, especially in the summer, we will go on an adventure but with the weather and depending on how close payday is we get together and bake. A few weekends ago we made doughnuts and polished them off with this hot chocolate. It was perfection. I'm still thinking about those doughnuts too, they are going to be made again!
This hot chocolate is just right in my eyes. Not too sickly but still milky and chocolatey enough. There's nothing worse than fancying a hot chocolate for it to be ruined by being sickly sweet but this hot chocolate hits the spot! This hot chocolate only has three main ingredients. So it won't break the bank!
So why not treat your loved one, mum, friend, cat or yourself to this for Valentines? Or now? Go on you deserve it.
You will need:
600ml full fat milk
142ml pot double cream
100g chopped milk chocolate
flumps cut into pieces, or any other marshmallow
whipped cream
Pour the milk, double cream and chopped chocolate into a pan. Bring gently to the boil, whisking until smooth.
Pour into pretty mugs, add as many marshmallows and cream as you like. I also added a cafe curl. Mmmmmm!