Goodbye 2014.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

new year, 2015, love, photography, couple, blog, lifestyle, blogger, uk

It's the day of the year where everybody, those who blog and those who don't, round up there year. It's an odd thing to do but at the end of the year it seems fitting to reflect on the year that has passed. I'm not one of those people who looked forward to the new year with a heart full of hope, not because I'm some cynical person who hates the world (although we all have those days, don't we) but because I believe that everyday should hold that hope for you. A new year will not change you as a person, you won't wake up tomorrow being able to do things that you couldn't do yesterday, Things that take place next year might be different but I've learnt over time that you don't really have control over what happens. What will be, will be. 

This year I've fallen in and out with blogging so many times. There has been times when I've thought that I should just give up but I never will. This blog has seen me through a lot and I love to have that space on the internet where I can be creative and share my views. The fact people read my blog and adore it is the icing on the cake. I think I am just lacking a little motivation and time. That age old excuse "if I just had more time" but it's true. So this year I'm not making resolutions but if I were to make one. It would be to put more effort in to this blog. Love it that little bit more. Plan my time more effectively and start falling in love with blogging again.

2014 you were alright and I'm pretty sure 2015 will be just the same. Here is to hope. Not just for the new year but for everyday.

I just want to say thank you to those who have read, followed and loved this blog. You guys are just the greatest. I hope that your 2015 is everything you want it to be. 

Happy New Year! 

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