[Garden] The project.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

garden, blog, blogger, lbloggers, lifestyle, project, outdoor, living, summer, spring, uk

I have a confession and I'm hugely embarrassed by it. Our garden(s) are a mess! I love having a beautiful garden but I have no motivation what so ever to get out there and do it and the Mr is even worse. So one Sunday we sat down and drew up plans.

When we moved in we inherited the previous tenants garden and they inherited the tenants before. Shrubs have been planted over plants, tree's have been chucked in for good measure and don't even get me started on all that bamboo at the bottom of the garden. All of this in a space of . ...  

The front garden has a mound of soil in the corner that I've wanted to get rid of since we moved in nearly two years ago. The rest of the front just needs a tidy up and a hanging basket or two. There's also a beautiful hydrangea bush that grows right in front of the window which means we have to chop in back before it flowers or we can't see outside.

 Basically in a nut shell both gardens have been neglected and poorly planned so we're going to do something about it. I say we. I mean we are going to get my Mama and the Mr's brother to help us. They have a passion for all things garden and know where to start. We want to take everything out. Other than the beautiful peonies because they are far to gorgeous to get rid off. 

The soil that's left can be grassed over, once we've raked the stones off. We can move the picnic bench to the bottom of the garden and have much more space to have guests over in the summer. We also need to get the landlord to fix the fence and clear out rubbish. It's a massive job and I can't wait for it to be finished.

The part I am most looking forward to is buying a few pretty garden bits, like fairy lights and kitsch "Welcome to my Garden" signs. I'm also planning on painting the shed a pretty colour too. So I hope you'll stick around for the process and hopefully see a dramatic transformation. Wish us luck. 

*UPDATE: Mama cleared the front garden for us! Just need to make it look pretty now!*

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