Can you guess what we're having? It's a little girl and we're so excited. The Mr said it was the other night as we both made guesses, although neither of us had a clue! I'm sure he will gloat about it for a few days. We made a reveal video for our friends and family and you can watch that here if you'd like.
I can't believe that we are half way through already. It seems to have gone so quickly already. There's still so much to sort out but I think now we know what sex the baby is we can start getting sorted. I can't wait for a shopping trip to get all the little bits and pieces we've been looking at for months.
My belly has definitely "popped" and there's no hiding it now. Although Strangers still don't realise I'm pregnant yet, so no chivalrous moving out of my way/seats etc. As for the past month it's been a bit up and down. From 16 - 17 weeks I felt good, my energy came back and then as soon as I hit 18 weeks I think baby had a growth spurt and I felt rundown and exhausted. I had to have a couple of days of work which did me the world of good. I think it was my body telling me to slow down. But since then I'm back to normal.
I've been feeling little kicks and it seems that the baby is nocturnal at the moment (which is not good!) as it's more active at night. Although that's when I sit down so can notice it more, I hope. I'm really excited for when the Mr can feel the kicks too although it's nice at the moment knowing that it's just me who can feel them. Feeling those little kicks certainly make up for feeling rough in the early days.
I can't wait to share little DIY's with you and the nursery makeover. But for the meantime I need to sort out that huge pile of clothes.