On Tuesday we have our 20 week scan when we hopefully can find out if we are having a boy or girl. One of the questions you repeatedly get asked is if you are going to find out. I'm a very organised, control freak, kind of person and we don't do surprises. So we were always planning on finding out. There is sometimes a bit of "oh, it's so nice not finding out" or "there's not many surprises left in life" which I'm sure is true but we are going to find out.
We've not really bought much yet. Some baby grows from Morrisions that were reduced to £3 and we've been given a few bits and pieces but we are waiting. Mainly because I've found it hard to find unisex things. So I thought that I'd put together the best unisex items I've found. You really need to look under the boy and girl section as some of the best things are hiding in there.. Everything above in under £25 and some of these items I think I'll just have to dream about as saving for a wedding and a baby is hard work!
I'm sure there will be another wishlist when we know boy or girl. And keep an eye out for the announcement on Tuesday. We've got something special planned (hopefully).