[Food] Simple Lemon Drizzle Cake

Saturday, June 20, 2015

baking, food, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, lemon, cake, drizzle, easy

baking, food, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, lemon, cake, drizzle, easy

baking, food, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, lemon, cake, drizzle, easy

This has to be one of the easiest cakes to make ever. I'm pretty sure that even the most useless cook could bake this to perfection. Now I can't take credit for the recipe. It belongs to Rose Londoner  but when a recipe is this good it has to be shared. It's a cake that has been requested from my friend a couple of times. Once for her birthday and for today her last day at work. It's not going to be the same without her. And even though I now have less than 4 weeks until I start my holiday and maternity leave it's not going to the same. Luckily we've decided to take the big step of turning our work friendship into a real one haha. We may even get those friendship necklaces where you each own half of the heart each. I kid. 

Back to the cake. It's light, fluffy and fresh, perfect for summer. As much as I am a fan of chocolate cake, I have to say that as soon as the sunshine comes around I favour fruitier creations over my usual chocolate fail safe. This cake is beautiful on it's own but would be lovely with a bit of cream or natural yoghurt (it all depends on how healthy you're feeling!) Onto the recipe.

You will need:

3 large free range eggs (I used local ones which tasted even better)
170g self raising flour, sifted
170g caster sugar 
170g unsalted butter 
Zest of 2 unwaxed lemons
1 level tsp baking powder

Juice of 2 lemons (the ones you zested)
125g icing sugar

Grease and line a loaf tin with baking paper. Preheat your oven to 180ºC/ Gas 4.

Cream together your butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Add one egg and a third of the flour and mix until combined. Continue to do this until you'll used all your flour and eggs. 

Add the baking powder and lemon zest. Mix until smooth.

Spoon into your tin and level. 

Bake for 35 minutes. Check from 30 minutes onward but I find in my oven it takes 40 minutes. If the top is starting to catch place a sheet of baking paper over the top.

Whilst you're waiting for the cake to bake make up the drizzle. Mix the lemon juice and sugar together. It's best to sieve the icing sugar to avoid lumps.

Once the cake is out of the oven poke holes into the cake with a skewer and pour over the drizzle whilst it's still warm.

Leave to cool in the tin completely.

Dust with icing sugar and zest if you like.


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