[Baby] 32 Week Update

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32 weeks wow. Our September due date is growing ever closer and I can't even begin to explain how excited we are. It's not long before she'll be in our arms and keeping us awake all night.

The last four weeks have been busy. A mix of midwife and hospital appointments along with finishing work, which has been utter bliss. Everything is fine with baby and she's measuring a week ahead. We had a scan at 30 weeks to make sure she was growing properly, which wasn't a worry at all. It's weird because I thought we'd be able to see more at this scan considering how big she now is but if anything you could see a lot less this time as she's too big to fit on the screen. I've also been signed off consultant led care, which is amazing as that means I can have the birthing suite I want. The birthing suite is midwife led and has a more homely feel than a ward or private room. There is no  bed, just beanbags and mats which promotes staying active during labour. There's also a pool which can be used solely for pain relief, what I'll be using it for, or to give birth in. So hopefully (touch wood) if all goes ok that's where I'll give birth.

My blood tests at 28 weeks were all good too which meant that I didn't have to have the awful glucose blood test. She's also head down which is a little scary that she's already to go. 

As for me, I've started to feel a bit more tired as carrying around a baby is hard work sometimes, it's also down to fact I wake at least twice in the night to go for a wee or I get woken up with kicks. It's all practice for getting up through the night I suppose. It's a lot easier now I don't have to rush to get ready for work. Taking things slow in the mornings is making this not sleeping thing a lot easier.

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

32, weeks, pregnant, update, maternity, pregnancy, fashion, photography, lifestyle, blog, blogger, uk, baby, girl

As for baby things, we're getting there. The nursery is almost finished. Just some shelves to put up, things to put away and wall decals to finish. We need to get mattresses both for the Moses basket and cot and some sheets for the cot too. 

The big thing we don't have. The pushchair. My brain is just frazzled by the choice. There are so many and so many different reviews that say it's brilliant or terrible. I'm currently looking at a Mamas and Papas one but that could change. We want a decent one without having to take out a morgage to afford it! I plan to walk a lot so a good quality one is really important. We've decided that we are going to head over to the city to try some out and make a final decision. 

We've got the car seat, a bargain from Mothercare reduced to £39 from £80. And the hospital bag is just about packed, a few minor bits need to be added but then that's all ready. 

The end is in sight which is so exciting. I'm told that the last few weeks drag so hopefully time won't go to slowly but I'm keeping busy and that always helps time go faster. It won't be long until we get to hold our beautiful daughter in arms.

A big thank you to the Mr for the photographs of me and to my Mama for the ones of both of us. They are perfect! Thanks mum. 
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