[Baby] 31 Weeks Maternity Style

Saturday, July 25, 2015

blog, fashion, maternity, 31, week, pregnant, pregnancy, pbloggers, lbloggers, fbloggers, fashion, baby, style

blog, fashion, maternity, 31, week, pregnant, pregnancy, pbloggers, lbloggers, fbloggers, fashion, baby, style

blog, fashion, maternity, 31, week, pregnant, pregnancy, pbloggers, lbloggers, fbloggers, fashion, baby, style

blog, fashion, maternity, 31, week, pregnant, pregnancy, pbloggers, lbloggers, fbloggers, fashion, baby, style

[Dress- Primark, Shoes, Hat, Jeans - New Look]

Please excuse my terrible posture!

I thought it was about time I did another one of these posts. Considering tomorrow I'll be 32 weeks and soon she'll be here. How has time gone that quickly?

 I'm now getting to the point where I am fed up of wearing loose fitting clothes and I can't wait to treat myself to new jeans and things for Autumn (here's praying that I go back to my pre-pregnancy size)  but I wouldn't change this big bump for anything. Totally worth wearing the same few things over and over again. 

I can still fit into the loose jeans I was given which is amazing because I do love my jeans! Although I'm pretty sure that this week will be the last week I can. Then it will have be leggings and maxi dresses. 

This dress was a bargain from Primark, that I picked up for £3.70 a month or so ago. I've been waiting to wear it as I bought it in a bigger size and thought it would be perfect for these hot, humid summer days. I'm really not brave enough to wear it by it's self as it's a little sheer and short over my bump at the front. 

We've got a wedding reception to go in a couple of weeks time and I think by then it will have to be my black midi dress, which has been the best purchase I've made, and this beauty of a waistcoat I picked up before I left work. The waistcoat will also be perfect for Autumn too, layered with a long sleeve top or lightweight jumper. The issue I'm having now though is shoes. I remember reading that you could go up a show size during pregnancy and thought it was one of those old wives tales. No. It's not. I had to buy a 7 in flip flops (I was really not happy, considering some of other sandals were a 5) and now the shoes I'm wearing in these pictures are far too tight to spend an evening in. So back to the drawing board for shoes.

I'm sure by the next one of these posts my bump will need scaffolding to hold it up. September 20th can't come quick enough. I'm far too excited to meet our baby girl and to wear normal clothes again!

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