[Baby] Things to do before she arrives. . .

Saturday, July 18, 2015

baby, things, to, do, before, she, arrives, pregnancy, maternity, leave, holiday, pbloggers, lbloggers, lifestyle, parent, blog, blogger, mummy,

baby, things, to, do, before, she, arrives, pregnancy, maternity, leave, holiday, pbloggers, lbloggers, lifestyle, parent, blog, blogger, mummy,

Now my 5 weeks holiday has started, followed by 9 months of maternity leave, I've been thinking about all the things I want to do over the next 9 weeks before baby is here. A lot of people have said to make the most of the peace and quiet and to rest up, which I'll do towards the end but I want to do as much as possible before then. So one night last week we came up with a list of places we wanted to visit and things we want to before September 20th. Luckily as the Mr (to be) is a teacher, we get to spend 6 of those weeks together. 

Cinema - The Mr wants to see Ant Man. I like to look at Paul Rudd and eat popcorn.

Meal - A Frankie and Benny's opened up near us and I bloody love their lunch menu.

Visit Orford - I need to visit the Pump Street Bakery. They produce their own chocolate and I need to sample it!

Visit Somerleyton Hall - A childhood favourite. I've not been in so long and I'd love to go again. They have such beautiful grounds and there's a small maze for us to get lost in too!

An evening walk along the seafront - Living by the seaside means we take it for granted. But the beach is rather beautiful. A walk along the seafront stopping for chips and doughnuts sounds perfect. 

Redesign, update and work really hard on this blog - Every now and then I get bored of the layout and I fancy a change. I also want to work on my photography and content, producing better, more thoughtful content. Now I have no work to stop me, there's no excuse. I'd also like to plan at least one blog post a week for September on wards when I probably won't have time to keep things up to date. I also need to re-upload lots of photos as my storage provider changed the link which means I lost around 1 and half years worth of photographs.

Finish and enjoy time in the garden - No excuse now we are both off. I really want to get it looking pretty!

Wedding planning - I want to get all of the big things in place. So we don't have to stress about those when baby is here.

Go for afternoon tea - I really fancy little cakes, sandwiches and few cups of tea!

That's all we can think of for now but I'm sure there's things we can add. I'm rather excited for the next few weeks and then to meet our baby girl.

Here's to the summer!
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