[Food] Healthier Dark Chocolate Cookies

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

dark, chocolate, cookies, recipe, lifestyle, blog, blogger, food, uk, healthy, coconut oil, oat flour, oat
dark, chocolate, cookies, recipe, lifestyle, blog, blogger, food, uk, healthy, coconut oil, oat flour, oat

dark, chocolate, cookies, recipe, lifestyle, blog, blogger, food, uk, healthy, coconut oil, oat flour, oat

Now I'm not going to lie. If I want a slice of cake or a cookie I will just go right ahead. I'm not into that feeling guilty rubbish. Maybe I'm just lucky that I have a fast metabolism so I burn things off pretty quickly or maybe because if I eat some junk food I'll normally balance it out with healthy food. 

But after a particularly heavy weekend, (heavy weekend when pregnant is always an overdose on food, no alcohol here unfortunately!) my last day at work and my nephews birthday party I'm feeling a little bit unhealthy right now. I've decided that this weeks evening meals are going to balance that out but I thought I'd look into healthier alternatives to unhealthy food especially when it came to treats. 

There are loads of recipes out there but most call for expensive health food ingredients. But when I discovered that I could make my own ingredients like coconut oil (recipe coming this week) and oat flour for a fraction of the price it opened up my eyes a little so I thought I'd put the stack of dark chocolate I have from Lindt to good use. Because you really can't go wrong with chocolate chip cookies. I will say these are no where near as good as their calorie and fat loaded siblings, I'd be lying if I said they were, but they hit the spot when you need a sugar fix and you're trying to be healthy. 

Healthier Dark Chocolate Cookies

- Makes 20 - 

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 large egg

4 tbsp dark brown sugar

115g coconut oil

225g oat flour

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp cinnamon

100g dark chocolate chips, I used Lindt Coconut Intense cut into chunks

 - Combine the vanilla extract, egg and sugar into a bowl.

- Melt the coconut oil and let cool slightly before adding to the bowl. Beat until combined.

- Stir in the oat flour, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon and stir until combined.

- Fold in the chocolate chips

- Chill the dough for at least an hour.

- Preheat the oven to 180ºC/Gas 4 and line two cookie/flat baking trays.

- Scoop out the dough into balls and put on the baking tray. Squash with the palm of your hand.

- Chill for another 20 minutes,

- Bake in the oven for 8 - 10 minutes. Until the cookies have turned slightly golden in colour.

- Cool on the tray for 2 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack.

- If desired when cool, melt some more dark chocolate and drizzle over the top.
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