[Christmas] Lindt Christmas

Friday, November 27, 2015

Lindt, Christmas, food, chocolate, range, santa, elves, reindeer, lbloggers, fdbloggers

Lindt, Christmas, food, chocolate, range, santa, elves, reindeer, lbloggers, fdbloggers

So the countdown is on, although it's not quite December yet I think we're close enough. I've almost finished my shopping and I'm planning on what decorations I need and my wrapping scheme (it's a very serious decision0. As a food blogger and general food lover my mind always goes to what I'm going to be eating and I'm starting to plan my bakes and how I'm going to fit them around looking after Edith. I definitely won't be going as big as previous years, but I've got a few ideas hidden up my sleeve.

Lindt, Christmas, food, chocolate, range, santa, elves, reindeer, lbloggers, fdbloggers

Lindt, Christmas, food, chocolate, range, santa, elves, reindeer, lbloggers, fdbloggers

It's not Christmas without chocolate and Lindt have well an truly nailed it with their Christmas collection. There's so many adorable characters it's hard to choose which is my favourite. Luckily they all taste amazing so it doesn't really matter once it's in your belly. I have to say my favourite is the little elves/ Santa's helpers, mainly because the one with glasses looks remarkably like my Mr (to-be). He won't be happy when he reads this. Oooops. 

I have a couple of recipes planned with these gorgeous pieces so keep an eye out for those, in case you're wondering what else you can do with chocolate. Of course that's if you have any left.

I've also got a beautiful Lindt advent calendar too which I'm so happy about. I can't wait to see what's behind each door!

Is it too early to say Merry Christmas?

Although the chocolate was sent to me for my consideration, All opinions on the the product are my own. Read my disclaimer here. 
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