[Wedding] Our Invitations

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Details have been (very poorly) edited out.

I'm so happy to finally share with you our invites. I've almost sent all of them out, I've got 3 left to send but they should hopefully be with their guests this week. To me the wedding invite says a lot about the wedding. I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover or in this case a wedding by an invite but I just do. So I hope you can kind of get a feel for what our day will (hopefully) turn out like. 

We got our invite template from good old Pinterest. There was no way I was going to pay over the odds for for a special design when I could find a beautiful one that I could have for free. It was an editable PDF file which meant we could personalise details and create our perfect invite.

The original plan was to get them printed before Edith came along but for some reason I never got my bum into gear to get things sorted. This meant that we had them printed a week or so after she was born. Luckily I had them designed/details filled out and it was just a case of getting the Mr (to-be) to spell check them for me. We then sent them to the lovely people at Printed.com, who I found through Rosie. They had a deal that if I signed up to their newsletter I could have 10% off my first order. I then received an email saying I could get 20% which was win win. I ordered them straight away and the whole lot cost just over £50, which is a total bargain. I had them printed on the thickest kraft paper, which was always our chosen paper of choice,

I spent a few weeks tying them all. It was a long task with a newborn but I got there in the end. We are so happy with how they look and it's making me even more excited for the big day!

Only 95 days to go!

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