[Baby] Edith's 5 Month Update

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Before I get started with Edith's update I should probably let you know where I've been. This month has been rather busy. Wedding preparations took over everything so blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. I've got a post coming up about how things are going to be changing on Little Paper Swans. So keep an eye out for that. You may have noticed the new header already!

By the time you read this post we will be married! Which is so exciting, we've waited a long time for this day and we can't wait to share it with you but lets get stuck in to Edith's update.

We're almost at half a year. Scary. How can she be that old already? This month has seen Edith grow so much. She has really developed into such a character and has mastered that cheeky smile. 

Thankfully we've got settled again after last month. Edith has gone to waking 2-3 times a night. Which is much better than her waking every 2 hours. Sleeping in the day has decreased. Naps are getting shorter now. I did have a rather stressful Wednesday when Edith thought than an hours sleep from  8:30am - 6pm was enough. Safe to say it wasn't and I had one grumpy baby. That was only one day and sleeping went back to normal after a couple of days. We've got into a bit of a bedtime routine. I say we. I mean Edith, I don't think you can get babies so young into a proper routine. They do things on their own terms. Edith settles between 6-7 and then usually sleeps through until 10 when we change her nappy and settle her down to sleep. She will then go until 2:30/3:30 feeds and then settles back until 6am, when Daddy takes her downstairs so I can get a hours sleep. Sometimes Edith will sometimes wake at 1:30am or 5am.

We started trying Edith on food 3 weeks ago, I don't know why but she just seemed ready and we decided it was worth a try. It's taken a little time for her to get used to it. I'm going to write a whole post on weaning so I won't go into too much detail about it just yet. The last week it has really clicked and Edith's taking puree off the spoon so well now. She looks for the food and opens her mouth ready for the next spoonful. We will move onto finger foods when she's a little older. I've got some lovely recipes and I can't wait to give her lots of different food. I am still breastfeeding Edith.

Edith was weighed on the 18th of February. She's now at 20lb 2oz. What a chunk! She's gaining weight so well and it makes me really proud to see her grow. She's in 3-6 clothing but I don't think it will be for much longer. She's so long that a lot of her sleepsuits are having to be packed away. I'm going to start incorporating some of the 6-9 pieces. I need to still buy some pieces for her 6-9 wardrobe so I had better hurry up. I'm also starting on her summer wardrobe. I can't wait for rompers and pretty sun dresses. Edith is still in size 4 nappies.


Reaching for objects and taking a real interest in them. She's getting a good hold on objects now. They are also ending up in her mouth. As you can see from the photographs above! (Sorry Miffy)

Sitting unsupported for a little longer.

Sitting in the bath and not crying.

Giving kisses. Dribbley dribble kisses.

That front tooth. It's almost nearly there.

Going in a walker/jumperoo for the first time. She absolutely loved it.

Edith squealed with laughter.

Things Edith Loves

When Daddy sings round and round the garden. She knows what's coming and scrunches up waiting.

Butternut squash and broccoli.

Bing on Cbeebies.

Rubbing her face against her Nanny's. 

Things Edith Hates

We really can't think of anything this month! It's been a happy month for us.

Happy 5 months Edith!

1 Reply

1 comment

  1. Congratulations on the wedding! Edith is such a beauty x

    Erin | beingerin.com


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