9 Facts On What It's Like Having A Teacher In The Family.

Monday, July 17, 2017

This is a post I've been saying to my husband I should write for a while now. And I'm sure over time as he's been teaching longer I'll need to update this post but I thought I'd let you in to the life of a teacher's family especially with the end of term coming up this week. 

1. 12 Weeks Holiday A Year. 

While this does have to be a huge plus of teaching it's also meet with the fact you can only take holidays during term time. Which means a family holiday to Center Parcs costs five times as much. However being able to spend time together over the Summer, Christmas and Easter is pretty lovely. 

2. It's Not A 9-3 Job.

As much as I joke to my husband that teachers clock off at 3, in reality their days are a lot longer. My husband leaves for work at 7:15am and normally returns at 5:15pm. That's of course if there's not long staff meetings, parents evenings or school discos. Then you can add a few extra hours on too. 

3. Teacher Gifts.

A lovely perk of the job and I love the end of the year when my husband comes home with chocolates and sweets. You get parents who make something thoughtful and then you get parents who buy "Best Teacher" mugs. While my husband is really grateful for the generosity, I think my mug cupboard might fall down if there's anymore. If you're wondering what to get a teacher, chocolate that his wife can eat is always the way to go! 

4. Stealing.

I once saw a post that said teaching is the only job where you steal things from home to take to work. This is so true. The things I have had to find or have been to school on a day trip. My cacti, my clothes and even toys. 

5. Invested In The Class.

I sometimes take Edith up to the school my husband teaches at and all of the class adore her. All of the children know your name, probably because your husband named a horse in his story after you, and they know what happened at the weekend (Monday morning re-counts). It's almost like they become one huge extended family.

6. Mr Wood. Mr Wood.

Oh yes. You can not go anywhere without hearing that. Everywhere you go there's a child calling his name. Which leads me onto my next point.

7. He's Never Really Off The Clock.

Other than inside our house, because you could bump into a pupil at any time. 

8. Tough Days.

It's not just glorified baby sitting. Days can be tough. Whether it's the stress from Government pressures or confidential things that he can't talk to me about. Some days he just needs a greasy takeaway to feel better. 

9. Dress Up Days.

It's not just parents who get short notice for dress up days. Quite often I'm searching through my wardrobe or the cupboards for something suitable for that days event. 

In all honesty though taking in all the good and bad it's so lovely to see my husband enjoy and excel at what he does. It's like photography and blogging for me. It's what makes him happy. 

Roll on the summer holidays!

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  1. I work in admin at a school so although I don't feel the true pressures teachers have, I know how many extra hours and how much care they put in to each lesson. Hope you're enjoying the last few weeks of the summer holidays together! x


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