Bohemian Polka Dots!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

dress - bay trading, cardigan - charity shop, necklace - dorothy perkins, shoes - new look, tights - primark

Total Outfit Price: £30.00

Second day at work! Decided to go a little bit bohemian. There are so many amazing clothes in at New Look at the minute! As soon as I get my discount card I shall be buying rather a lot! I am in need of new clothes (don't tell Mama swan, she'll go mad!).

The weather has been rather nice! This is what May should be like, not constant rain and frizzy hair!

I'm back at uni tomorrow for one of my last days. We are off for an end of first year meal on Friday! Which I am really looking forward to.

As for the rest of today, I am looking forward to a home cooked tea (I love Mama) and catching up on my favourite bloggers/vloggers!

Hope you've had a good weekend! What did you get up to?

It would be amazing if you could vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards. I know I don't stand much of a chance but oh well! I'd be over the moon if you could give me a vote!

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