Jubilee Tea!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

top, tights - primark, skirt - asda, shoes - new look, bag - charity shop, watch - gift

Total Outfit Price - £19.50

I hope you have all had a great Jubilee weekend if your in Britain or if you've been celebrating it anyway. I just want to get all emotional and say thank you to every single reader and follower! You guys make blogging so worthwhile. Lots of love!

Emotion over, on to clothes. I thought that I had better bring this top out again. It's perfect for the jubilee and I was complimented on it at work. I was also complimented on my nails which I will post about tomorrow!

I have been so busy and my internet went a bit loopy so I felt that I've neglected my blog a little over the bank holidays but I'm back now and ready to blog lots.

I brought a few (well a lot) of clothes today from my staff discount so expect to see lots of new look clothes soon!

I've eaten too much today from our Jubilee party so I'm off to slob on the sofa!

P.S If you have a moment I'd be ever so grateful if you could nominate littlepaperswans for the newcomer award at the Cosmo Blog Awards! I know I don't stand much of a chance but it only takes a second!

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