Wish/Shopping List!

Monday, July 30, 2012

I asked if you guys wanted to see me shopping list/wishlist and few of you said you did! So here it is!

1. 2 Pack of Leggings - New Look £12.99 I am in desperate need of some new leggings and these are thick and good quality ones and I get my discount to which is a massive bonus! I brought a beautiful polka dot (yes another one!) from George at Asda and need some leggings to wear with that!

2. Check Shirt - New Look £14.99 I saw this when it came in and loved it! I don't know if I'll be buying it yet or not but I do love it. A/W is so much nicer than S/S and I can't wait for winter, cosy nights in and jumpers and anything Burgundy coloured!

3. Born Lippy Lip Balm - Body Shop £2.00 I saw this on the website and I've got a 40% off voucher and I'm going to be picking up a few other bits so this is on my to buy list. I want to try a lip balm with a pop of colour and this seems a reasonable price too!

4. Tea Tree Face Mask - Body Shop £9.00 This is main thing on my list. I saw an Essie Button video where she talked about this and she uses it on her blemishes over night and it gets rid of the spot. I have to try this, I hate blemishes and I have a few at the minute I want to see the back off! Again I have a 40% voucher so I'll be putting that to this too!

5. Spike Bracelet - Dolly Peg? This is a sneaky one. I really love this bracelet and we are thinking about stocking it on dolly peg, let me know what you think of it! I love it!

6. Burgundy Supersoft Skinny Jeans - New Look £19.99 I love this colour and I've put these and another jumper on hold at work. So expect to see those sometime soon!

So that's my shopping/wish list! I'll be reviewing the beauty products and expect some outfit posts too!

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