dress, leggings - George at ASDA, wellies*- Hunter, umbrella - Mum's (from Woolworths I think!)
Total Outfit Price: £17.00
Total Outfit Price (including the wellies): £82.00
Now I didn't know whether to include the price of the wellies or not, so I put both prices for you guys. I was very kindly given these wellies from the lovely people at Witch. And these last few days have been perfect for wearing them. I hate all this rain!
More jewellery has arrived and all the bank details are in place too! We have a few more bits and then the website will be up. We are thinking it will be the end of next week. So follow on twitter @hellodollypeg for an exact date! I will be doing a massive blog post on it as soon as it launches so you guys can see everything.
I'm going to be sorting out my wardrobe over the next couple of days so may hold a blog sale after my sister has scoured through the bags! But let me know if you guys would be interested in that!
That's all for now!