No7 Hot Cloth Cleanser Review!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

RRP £10

I brought this cleanser when boots were giving away No7 vouchers so it only cost me £5 which I thought was great value. This is No7's answer to the infamous Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish. I am a massive fan of Liz Earle and I didn't expect this to live up to it at all. But I was pleasantly surprised.

The product comes with it's own muslin cloth just like the L.E. I really love the packaging too. The pump gives you an exact amount of product which was the perfect amount for my face. The cleanser is in a massive bottle and I think it will last for a while.

I alternate this cleanser with my L'Occitane Angelica one. And I sometimes use both if I want a deep cleanse.

The product claims to brighten your skin and I really feel that it works, my face is a lot brighter after using it and my skin feels so soft and nourished!

The formula is the same consistency and it's pretty much an exact dupe of L.E. The main difference is the smell, L.E smells a lot more herbal based where as this has no smell at all.

Overall I really love the No7 Hot Cloth Cleanser and it works just as well as L.E, it is also is cheaper, which is a bonus!

*Quick update on Dolly Peg, we will be launching on the 10th of August which is next Friday (a week tomorrow) I can't wait! *

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