Shirt - Clothing at Tesco
Skirt**, Shoes - New Look
Cardigan - Sisters
Tights - Primark
Necklace* - Pumpkin Soup
Total Outfit Price: £20.99
I'm so bored of grey skies and cold weather. I'm so looking forward to Easter then summer. Warm weather and no uni! It will be bliss. And I can post outfits and I can do food shoots outside. Can you tell I want summer! I'm bearing my waist, there's no way your seeing my stomach.
Today marks mine and Mr Swan's 4 year anniversary. We've decided to have Chinese tonight and then go out for a meal on Friday.
Tomorrow is pay day and student bursary day so I'm looking to get a new laptop. Any laptop suggestions will be great! I will also be buying the What Katie Ate cookbook. Her photography is breathtaking.
I'll be posting a peanut butter brownie recipe tomorrow!