Flower power!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Top - Henry Holland
Shorts** - New Look
Bracelet* - Raspberry Grape
Headscarf - Vintage

Total Outfit Price: £19.89

I took these photo's on the Bank Holiday Monday. Back when the weather was beautiful. I spent the morning at the street sale and carboot and found some beautiful bits for my future home. (House hunting is hard!) I'm really into homeware at the minute and spend every spare minute on Pinterest. 

I finish my second year of uni on Monday and to be honest I can't wait. No deadlines hanging over me and I can finally have days off! Woooo. 

A massive thank you to all of you. I've almost hit 200 followers and I'm very thankful. I love reading all your comments and it really makes my day!

It would be amazing if you could nominate me for the Cosmo Blog Awards for best lifestyle blog. It doesn't take too long and it really means the world. I know a few of you have already so thank you if you have!!

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