If someone could explain to me where the past few days have gone I would be more than grateful. It has well and truly flew past.
I brought this pitcher at the street sale I went too and we might have a home to put it in! Ahhhh exciting or what? We our renting but we've put in our application and waiting to hear back. So excited! If you have a pinterest board or home tours/photographs on your blog please leave it in comments below. I need all the inspiration I can get at the minute and I'm trying to plan everything. It's just a case of keeping our fingers crossed!
Tomorrow is my last day at uni until October! Yay. I can't wait to have some time to myself and not have to stress about getting work done.
It would be amazing if you could nominate me for the Cosmo Blog Awards for best lifestyle blog. It doesn't take too long and it really means the world. I know a few of you have already so thank you if you have!!