Little check.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dress, tights, necklace - New Look

I think check/plaid/tartan has to be my third favourite print of all time. Floral being number one, followed by polka dot and then tartan. Such a nice print and there is so many nice pieces at the minute. 

I just need a faux fur coat. I'm hunting in charity shops hoping I can find something but no luck so far. I sometimes think it feels like cheating just going out and buying something. I like the chase and the thrill when you find that beautiful piece. I need to charity shop a lot more, even more than I do now you never know when there's something pretty just waiting for you.

Today is a welcome break from Christmas posts, but don't worry there's still a few more to pull out of the bag before the big day. Can you believe it's next week? It's crept up on me.

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