Lion's mane.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I've got a bit blonde.
Natural and golden blonde, but blonde and I'm rather chuffed with it. I do love lighter hair in the summer and as I have this week off work I decided that it was time for a pamper so yesterday at lunchtime I carted myself off to the hairdressers. Three hours and three tonal shades later and here we are. I really like it.

I love going to the hairdressers being pampered for a few hours is just lovely but I felt rather silly yesterday I still have this terrible cold (hence the puffy face and eye bags) and sat in the chair sniffly and coughing but the girls made me feel really welcome and even offered me a cup of herbal lemon tea to soothe my throat. It was just perfect.

I had to include the photo above. When I force ask the Mr to take outfit photos for me I always take a few snaps to get the light, colour and exposure right. I thought that this photo summed up his feelings when I ask him to take photos. Haha, he loves it really!

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