The lighthouse.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Top - Charity shop
Skirt - Monki
Necklace - eBay
Shoes - New Look

I'm posting bit later than normal. I'm blaming this horrendous cold that I've picked up from somewhere. What awful timing with my week off but I suppose at least I don't have to drag myself out of bed. and go to work.

This weekend went so quickly. I'm glad I've got a week off as this weekend flew by. We went to a wedding on Saturday, where I was the photographer. It's my first of the year and it was just lovely. I've now got loads of photographs to go through and edit. Then yesterday we went out for breakfast and then headed over to my mums for a roast. Delicious! 

I don't have a lot planned this week, which is perfect. I just want to relax and have a bit of pampering. I'm getting my hair done on Wednesday and hopefully getting these brows sorted on Thursday. And hopefully I'll paint my nails! (Does anyone else always run out of time?)

How cute is this necklace? It only cost me £1.30 something of eBay and even though it came all the way from China it didn't take that long to arrive. Apparently in this outfit I look like a lighthouse. Thanks for that Mr! 

I hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to?

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