When I was looking for ideas for my cookie recipe one of the main ingredients used was coconut oil. I've heard all about how wonderful it is. You can use it for teeth whitening, cooking, beauty treatments, just about everything. But it can be pretty pricey unless you can get a good deal. So when I stumbled across a video that said you could make it from tinned coconut milk I couldn't believe it. I had to try it out.
Early Monday morning when I woke up the milk was off so a walk to the shops was needed. I decided that I would head to my local Tesco as I could also pick up the ingredients I needed for the cookies. First of all I looked for the coconut milk in the aisle with curry ingredients. It was £1.99 for one tin. I walked around the corner and where the "World Food" section was and you could get two tins for £1.50. I got those as I'm planning an ice lolly recipe with coconut milk and the other tin will be perfect for that. Now I don't know if other brands work as well as this one did but I was amazed that I could be 50g of oil from just one tin.
All you need to do is empty the tin into a heavy based saucepan and boil. Stirring continuously. The whole process will take around 20 minutes. The milk will bubble away and leave a white residue (the cooked coconut) and the oil. You then put the mixture through a sieve/strainer. That will separate the cooked white coconut and the oil. Leave the oil to cool and then transfer to the fridge. It's as easy as that and saves you a pretty penny.