[Food] Strawberry and Ginger Nut Cheesecake

Thursday, July 02, 2015

strawberry, ginger, nut, cheesecake, recipe, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, food

strawberry, ginger, nut, cheesecake, recipe, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, food

strawberry, ginger, nut, cheesecake, recipe, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, food

strawberry, ginger, nut, cheesecake, recipe, blog, blogger, uk, lifestyle, food

On Sunday we gathered at the Mr's mum's house for a BBQ. The good old British weather decided to do what it does and throw in some downpours as well as the sunshine. Luckily we could shelter, the grill included, under the big gazebo. No rain showers could ruin our day. 

When you go to a family gathering it feels rude not to bring a few things along. I decided that I would bring the classic of potato salad (I've got the recipe for that coming up!) and something that has been on my to make list for a while. Cheesecake. 

The recipe originally came from a Jamie Oliver magazine. It used raspberries instead and contained raw egg, with baby on board I can't do the raw egg. So I decided to create my own recipe with a bit of everything chucked in. The cheesecake went down so well there was no left overs (the downside of a big family!) I did get to sneak a couple of smaller bits though and it was damn tasty. The Mr's nephew said he was born to eat this cheesecake and with his seal of approval I had better share the recipe.

You will need:

350g ginger biscuits 
150g melted butter

400g strawberries
300ml double cream
400g soft cheese
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp icing sugar

Using a food processor, blitz the biscuits until they resemble damp sand. If you don't have a food processor bash the biscuits by hand (take out that anger!)

Combine the biscuits with melted butter and place in a lined baking tray. Smooth over and chill in the fridge while you prepare the filling.

Whip the double cream into stiff peaks and set aside. 

Spoon the soft cheese into another bowl and add the vanilla and icing sugar. You may need to add more to taste. Beat together. 

Add the cream into the cream cheese and combine. 

Blend 100g of strawberries and add 3/4's to the cream cheese mix. 

Spoon the cream cheese mix over the base and drizzle the rest of the strawberry juice onto top. Take a skewer and marble the strawberry juice into the cream cheese. 

Finally cut up the remaining strawberries and place on top. Cover with foil and leave to chill for at least 3-4 hours. 

Serve and enjoy! 

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