Crosses and Buns!

Friday, April 06, 2012

top - primark, dress - mama swan, shoes - rocketdog, bag - new look, brooch - gift, bracelet - poundland

Total Outfit Cost: £18.00

Happy eat hot cross bun day! Or Good Friday to everyone else! I'm taking advantage of the weather majorly as it's meant to be horrible weather this weekend.

I love this little dress/top combination. Nice little bib collar. I've also skanked myself a bracelet out of my poundland cross necklace (thought I'd better have something religious).

Sad news for Easter this year :( No eggs for me. apparently I'm too old! Sad times, might have to buy myself one (or two, or three).

I fell over and broke one of my shoes whilst taking these pics! Luckily I have my glue gun so I can mend it yay. I'm hoping this is my breaking things spree over.  (I broke two necklaces too!)

Anyway! Have a great Easter! And enter my giveaway for some goodies! I'm going to leave the giveaway open for another week after the original date!

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