Dress - Outfit
Cardigan**, Shoes - New Look
Belt - Poundland
Tights - Primark
Total Outfit Price: £29.99
I haven't posted an outfit in ages and it's not because I don't want to. It's because we seem to have rubbish weather at the minute and catching the sunshine and staying out of the rain is proving difficult. Roll on summer when I can photograph after 3 in the afternoon. Living on the most Eastly point in England means I see the sun first but also we are the first place to lose the sun. Not fair!
These are my new reading glasses. I've been developing a bit of a squint, especially in the evenings and when I'm at my laptop. So they are working wonders. I was told that my eyes looked tired and stressed. Erm that may be because I am tired and stressed!
I'm feeling so ill. I took these photo's yesterday and my eyes look dead on the last photo. If I'd of taken these today it would not be pretty. Feeling terrible is an understatement.
I'm hoping to get the right mix of fashion, food and lifestyle posts. I love baking and fashion equally so I'm going to try and balance posts. I hope you guys like the balance of the two.
I'll be posting up a review on some amazing jams I've been sent as well as a post explaining how I photograph food. I think you'll be surprised in my methods.